Portal: Fire- instructional guide


Portal: Fire- instructional guide


A ritual guide book

Throughout the pandemic I have used ritualized painting & paint making as a tool for grounding myself and processing change. In this ritual I sit in front of fire and draw it using ink made of ash. After amassing a collection of these drawings I burn the drawings & use their ashes to make more ink. With the ink made from this transference of energy I am able to continue this practice. During this ritual, I consider what I wish to release, what no longer serves me & what I am holding onto. I offer myself this process as an invitation to externalize some of those things and let the fire guide me towards release and transition. Recently I had the honor of offering this practice to others as a way for folks to collectively process & co-regulate with one another in hopes of providing relief & healing. This instructional guide walks you through the ritual of Portal:fire for you to practice on your own or with loved one’s.

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